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Tools for Research: Free software

This page compiles free and open source programs used in research

Please note that the library does not provide training or technical support for these programs. We may be able to help with general queries about them.


Quantitative Data Analysis

Alternatives to: SPSS 

  • JASP is an open-source project supported by the University of Amsterdam.
  • Jamovi is a new “3rd generation” statistical spreadsheet, designed from the ground up to be easy to use
  • R (The R Project for Statistical Computing) can run a huge range of statistical tests.
    • works on command line instructions, rather than a user interface. You need to become comfortable in creating command line instructions.
    • guide available here
    • Rstudio - a supporting program that provides an interface with R
  • Confidence interval calculator
    • a spreadsheet to calculate confidence intervals for a mean, the difference between two means, a proportion or odds, comparisons of two proportions (the absolute risk reduction, number needed to treat, relative risk, relative risk reduction and odds ratio), sensitivity, specificity and two-level likelihood ratios


Qualitative Data Analysis

Alternatives to: NVivo

  • Taguette  is an open source tool to manage, organize, and analyze qualitative data
  • CATMA (Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis) is a free online QDA tool from a German academic collaboration.
  • RQDA is an open source program built on the R stats package. While popular it appears to have not been maintained since 2020, so future performance and availability is unclear.
  • QDA Miner Lite is a free cut down version of the paid program QDA Miner. Lacks the full functionality of the paid product.


Reference Management

Alternatives to: Endnote


Data Visualisation

  • Tableau is a free online platform for creating and sharing data visualisations